Horror Rated R
“One of our most elusive movie monsters avoids capture once again.”
“It’s as if blood has been sucked from the very images.”
Horror Rated NR
“… turns on a fear of mortality — or worse, being stuck in some in-between place.”
“Grant’s insidious politeness remains intact no matter how gonzo Heretic gets.”
“…another batch of witch’s brew with a new ingredient.”
“… a harrowing parable about the abuse, neglect, and silencing of women.”
“… something like David Cronenberg’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, from a distinctly feminine perspective.”
“Seemingly designed to settle the debate over whether the Alien films count as horror…”
“…establishes a strong enough sense of mood and atmosphere to absorb a DEFCON-2 level Nicolas Cage performance.”
“Imagine if Paul Schrader had directed Brian De Palma’s Body Double. Or if De Palma had directed Schrader’s Hardcore.”