“… something like David Cronenberg’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, from a distinctly feminine perspective.”
“The juice is diffuse.”
“Seemingly designed to settle the debate over whether the Alien films count as horror…”
“…a bracing and necessary reminder that these are human beings behind bars.”
“…a real Shyamalan doozy.”
“… a faith-based movie without any faith.”
“Will have you clenching whatever is nearby…”
“…has a paucity of comic imagination that’s timelessly disheartening.”
“Keaton sets his comic instincts aside and lets his wit and energy sour into something mean-spirited.”
“Powell and Loy are delightful — slurrily sexy in the manner of the 1930s, when words and glances had to do all of the work.”
“… a slapstick consideration of gender roles in the early 1980s.”
“Keaton’s epiphany over tuna fish sandwiches is beautiful to behold.”