Musical Rated PG
“…filters highbrow influences through colored 1970s strobe lights.”
Musical Rated NR
“To say that The Tales of Hoffmann is nightmare fuel is not to denigrate it.”
Musical Rated G
“Wyler may have been the perfect choice to center Streisand, for the first time, on the big screen.”
“More Paul King than Roald Dahl…”
Musical Rated PG-13
“If a novel is unfilmable anyway, why not take a wild shot at it?”
Musical Rated R
“Another lo-fi fantasy from writer-director John Carney…”
“…explores a strange dimension — a poetic, protesting echo of our own.”
“Shoddy in conception and construction…”
“The thrill of West Side Story is the way Spielberg makes this, distinctly, a movie.”
“…maniacally focused on Larson as the uber-struggling artist in a way that eventually feels monstrous.”