Action/Adventure Rated PG-13
“…smartly feminist without making too big of a deal out of it.”
Comedy Rated NR
“…doesn’t know what kind of movie it wants to be, nor what sort of performance it wants Pitt to give.”
Action/Adventure Rated R
“…falls somewhere between the turgid mythologizing of Prometheus and the genre sleekness of the original.”
“…insists on trying to wear big-boy blockbuster pants.”
Drama Rated PG-13
“In The Lost City of Z, Charlie Hunnam plays something of a woke Indiana Jones.”
“For most of its running time this is a desperate search for a new spark plug.”
Family Rated PG
“…during its most familiar moments, this feels like a tale as moldy as time.”
Horror Rated R
“…not for the faint of heart—particularly those who might get squeamish about watching a heart being eaten.”
“…a superhero movie that eschews invincibility in favor of human frailty.”
“…moves from early scenes of social discomfort to a finale full of Grand Guignol violence and gore.”