Drama Rated R
“… a faith-based movie without any faith.”
“Keaton sets his comic instincts aside and lets his wit and energy sour into something mean-spirited.”
Drama Rated NR
“…still manages to shock the system thanks to its stark, near-subliminal editing techniques.”
“A stunning, if raggedy, feature debut from Martin Scorsese…”
“…creates little ripples that eventually coalesce into something shattering.”
“…does little to disguise the fact that it’s based on the Eugene O’Neill play.”
Brando has an inner turmoil that keeps everything within the frame on edge.
“…presses gently on the inspirational pedal.”
“… eschews The Archers’ signature Technicolor for brooding black and white.”
“… steamy but never seamy, at once ardent and honest in its exploration of matters of faith.”